University of California, Berkeley
Alpha Chapter
Delta Sigma is a sorority that stands for women empowerment, diversity, inclusivity, courage, love, and wisdom. It is furthermore an organization that embraces change. The compassion and drive of Delta Sigma extends far beyond our home at 2311 Prospect Street. Delta Sigmas are leaders on campus and in the UC Berkeley Greek community.


A Letter From Our President
Welcome to Delta Sigma at UC Berkeley! On behalf of our chapter, I am happy to welcome you to our official website. To all of our alumni and current members, I hope this website makes you feel at home. To all of you considering going through recruitment, I hope that exploring this platform shows you the incredibly talented, ambitious, and accomplished women that make up our home on Prospect street.
In 2016-2017, our chapter transitioned from being the Sigma chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi to establishing our own sorority, Delta Sigma. Through this transition, we were able to redesign our chapter based on the qualities we cherished about our sisterhood. To honor the foundation built by our wonderful alumnae, we retained the “Sigma” that distinguished our chapter. We paired the “Sigma” with the letter “Delta,” meaning “change,” to recognize our journey as a new, local sorority. From selecting the arctic fox as our animal to symbolize persistence and infinite adaptability, to choosing the compass as our symbol to represent a new direction–Delta Sigma is rooted in values of courage, love, and wisdom, and with eachother we embrace change and sisterhood.
At Delta Sigma, each one of us brings something exceptional to our sisterhood. The women of Delta Sigma work within the ASUC, write for the Daily Cal, participate in various scientific research labs, and volunteer locally. Whether it’s work, school, internships, sports, clubs, or day-to-day tasks, I am in constant awe of how our sisters balance it all while having fun with everything Cal Delta Sigma has to offer.
On a more personal note, I went through the recruitment process in the Fall of 2021 in hopes of finding a small community as an out of state student. Joining Delta Sigma has been the best decision of my undergraduate career, not just because of the connections I’ve made that have helped me with my future career, but because it has brought me preeminent friendships. To feel loved is to be seen, and these friendships I have created remind me that I am not alone.
I never realized how little I knew about the power of female friendship until I was surrounded by so many incredible women. It’s difficult to name a favorite memory of being in this house–whether it’s running around trying to get ready Game Day mornings, jam sessions on our deck, Bid Days, scavenger hunts, lineage adventures, or booking Moffitt during finals week. These memories with these women have made my college experience one that I will never forget. This chapter has shaped me into being more courageous, loving, wise, and confident. This place is a space where genuine love and kindness is felt, hair ties are bountiful, and perfume is shared. My connections with the people in our chapter surpass a pledge to the house, and extend to the hearts of what it is to be a Delta Sigma. I hope this website shows you what being a Delta Sigma means to our chapter.
With love,
Brisa Hernandez
Delta Sigma Chapter President 2024